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Cost Of Damon Braces in Bangalore

DAMON BRACES: CURRENT EVIDENCE-BASED PHILOSOPHY ABOUT SELF-LIGATING BRACKET SYSTEMS If we see the advancement in specialty of teeth straightening, we will find that over ages, wire or elastomeric ligatures were used and drastically there are various changes in this field. Traditionally, wires are used to engage the arch wire in slot. With time, there is always upgradation in systems. Similarly, these old traditional ligation systems have limitations as well. Livehome Fitness – palagym Assarotti – Gym Genova Palagym Centers anadrol for sale home fitness and food delivery, tips to save your figure – But if we see, self-ligation is not a new concept. According to one study published by Homa, it is mentioned that first self-ligating bracket is the Russell attachment. SELF-LIGATING BRACES Traditional braces make use of an arch wire to deliver forces to the teeth and make the movement happen. The arch wires are placed on the brackets which are bonded to the tooth surface. The arch wires are then secured in place using elastics. This can be a tedious process. Whereas in self ligating braces, the arch wires are secured to the brackets by a built-in system. And due to these built in systems, there is reduction in the frictional resistance on these surfaces. Studies have shown that, these self-ligating braces have better control over tooth rotation, and more efficient tooth movement. The reduced frictional resistance, makes the alignment of the teeth faster and the overall treatment time lesser. It is of two types,
  1. Active Damon braces: Where the bracket is in contact with the arch wire.
  2. Passive Damon braces: Where the brackets aren’t in contact with the arch wire.
MECHANISM OF ACTION OF DAMON Basically, tooth movement happens when we apply an optimal amount of forces on the teeth. In Damon braces, only the minimum force that is required to initiate tooth movement is given. Force is given to the teeth with the help of the arch wire and the self-ligating brackets. And this will produce less friction which will make the tooth movement faster and more efficient. A study by Natasha Wright has shown that there is always lesser chances of tooth extraction requirement when Damon braces are used. The study also shows that Damon braces ensure faster tooth movement, less visits to the orthodontists, reduction in the treatment time. The usage of Damon braces also ensures that there is less overall pain and discomfort for the patients.


One of the main things about Damon braces is their cost. Damon braces cost in India is on the expensive side, because of the quality and the perks of the technique used. Damon braces cost in Bangalore starts around Rs. 80000. It can go up depending upon the complexity of the case. We, at Amaya dental, cares about the quality of the treatment given and would ensure that you get the best of the best treatment. We have the best orthodontist for you to give you the best smile.


Yes, Damon braces are really worth it as it has a lot of advantages. The conventional braces use elastic bands to secure the arch wire to the brackets. Whereas in Damon braces, they have built-in system of ligation which works by sliding mechanism. It is almost invisible and only the thin arch wire would be visible. Another important thing is the amount of time required to complete the treatment. Damon braces work faster and gives an efficient tooth movement in less period of time.


Yes, self-ligating braces are more expensive due to the efficiency of the braces to move the teeth with lighter forces in a very small amount of time, indeed lesser time than taken by the conventional braces. Like mentioned earlier, Damon braces have many advantages, those being the reasons for the higher cost of Damon braces. Damon braces make the treatment more comfortable and effective for the patients with the treatment done in very lesser amounts of time. Damon braces also give the patients fewer visits to the dentist. Since it works faster and more efficiently compared to any other conventional braces. Damon braces are also very aesthetic compared to the conventional braces as Damon braces use built-in self-ligating system to hold the arch wires in position instead of the elastics.


Damon braces near me are the best option for you to choose to correct the misalignment of your teeth. Damon braces near me are a bit on the expensive side but is really worth it. Damon braces near me are excellent braces to treat deep bites, crowding of teeth etc. Damon braces near me does not cause much irritation to the gums and hence does not give much discomfort to the patients as compared to the conventional braces. Damon braces near me are also aesthetic as only the arch wires are seen when the patient smiles. While using Damon braces near me, there are less chances for the need of tooth extraction.


Damon braces are exactly like the normal conventional braces except that instead of the elastics that are used in the conventional braces, here we use built in self ligating system that helps in securing the arch wires to the brackets. When comparing Damon braces and Invisalign, they have their own pros and cons. Obviously Invisalign is more aesthetic compared to the Damon braces as Invisalign is almost invisible as compared to the Damon braces. While using Invisalign nobody gets to know that you are undergoing orthodontic treatment since the aligners don’t have any metal components attached to your teeth. Damon braces are more or less similar to the conventional braces, they can’t be taken out whereas while using Invisalign you can easily take out your aligners and have your favorite food and then put them back after cleaning. There’s no restriction as to what you can eat while using Invisalign whereas with Damon braces there are restrictions on the types of food you eat. Both, Damon braces and Invisalign takes lesser visits to the dentist and the treatment period is much lesser. However, when comparing the costs of the two, Damon braces are less expensive than Invisalign.


In Damon braces, only the minimum force that is required to initiate tooth movement is given. Force is given to the teeth with the help of the arch wire and the self-ligating brackets. And this will produce less friction which will make the tooth movement faster and more efficient. The use of Damon braces ensures lesser working time for the orthodontists. The pain and discomfort experienced by the patient is significantly reduced during the treatment with Damon braces. Studies have shown that it takes less time to complete the treatment if Damon brace are used.


There have been various studies conducted about Damon braces. In one such studies, it is claimed that there is a higher alignment rate of teeth for Damon braces in cases with moderate crowding. In case of severe crowding, there were no differences found in the alignment rate between conventional braces and Damon braces. We at Amaya dental believe in the quality of the treatment given and does not compromise on anything. We have the best orthodontist to give you a better smile.


  • Damon braces are almost invisible as only the arch wire can be seen.
  • Damon braces have built in self ligating system and hence the friction is less and hence the tooth movement is much faster and the treatment time is less.
  • Only fewer visits are required to the dentists while using the Damon braces.
  • Treatment time is less when using the Damon braces as compared to the conventional braces.
  • Damon braces are cheaper than Invisalign.
  • Damon braces give the patient much less pain and discomfort.


  • Damon braces are not completely invisible as the arch wire would be visible which is metal.
  • Damon braces can’t be removed unlike the Invisalign aligners that can be removed easily.
  • There are restrictions on food while using the Damon braces.
wires are then secured in place using elastics. This can be a tedious process. In s

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