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Zirconia cap cost in bangalore

Are you looking for affordable caps for your weak teeth? Look no more, we, at Amaya dental clinic, provide you with the best quality affordable caps for your teeth!


Dental crowns, commonly known as caps, cover the damaged teeth to maintain its function. It is custom designed for each patient. When the fillings fail to solve the problem, we switch to crowns to protect the shape, size, appearance, function etc. of the teeth. It is usually cemented onto your teeth.


The main reasons to get a cap zirconia are :

  • To protect a weak tooth after root canal treatment: In root canal treatment, the infected pulp is removed from the tooth and filled with filling materials like gutta percha etc. So, since the tooth is now dead, the tooth becomes weak. If you bite on to some hard objects, there is a chance that your tooth fractured into 2 pieces. If that happens there is nothing we can do except removal of the tooth. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to place a cap on your tooth after root canal treatment.
  • To cover a tooth with a large filling.
  • To cover an implant.
  • To cover a tooth that has been discoloured.
  • To protect a cracked tooth.
  • For aesthetic purposes.

Cost : The cost of zirconia crowns start from 7000 and can go upto 25000.

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